I just returned from a trip to Vancouver, British Columbia for the International Visual Sociology Association‘s annual meeting. While there, I had an opportunity to learn more about Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside thanks to Naomi Bartz, Kelly Nairn and some of my own exploring. The area is the location of a major redevelopment effort, particularly in regards to its high number of boarding houses and SROs. If you’re interested in learning more about the area and its housing issues, the City of Vancouver Social Development Department has several interesting reports, including this section on the Single Room Accommodation By-law.
Below, the first image is of the neighborhood’s new mixed-income Woodward’s redevelopment, complete with its staged photograph of the Gastown Riots. A few images of the Downtown Eastside SROs (and the clubs on their first floors) follow, after which I’ve included a few of my favorite images from throughout the city. As always, you can view more of my photographs from the trip on flickr.

Other Vancouver Photographs