There’s no question that 2010 was an unprecedented year for my fieldwork. In addition to many Chicago area opportunities, I visited nearly two dozen major U.S. cities and had the opportunity to spend time in Belfast, Northern Ireland during Twelfth Night. Each location allowed for several days in the field, so I’ve amassed quite a collection of photographs.
As a way of getting a handle on that work, I pulled out one favorite photograph from many of the locations I visited. A few were exhibited in my recent work shows at the Op Shop and Everyblock, as well as the “Considering the City” show at Work • Detroit, but one would have to consistently follow my flickr stream to see all of these images — so I thought I should share them here.
Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Chicago, Illinois
Clinton, Iowa
Detroit, Michigan
Indianapolis, Indiana
Las Vegas, Nevada
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
New Orleans, Louisiana
New York City, New York
Oakland, California
Phoenix, Arizona
San Francisco, California
Sparta, Georgia
Washington, D.C.